This series of commands initializes a Git repository in your project, commits the existing files, and sets up a connection to a remote repository on GitHub. After this setup, you can push changes to GitHub and pull them on your server for testing.
Initialize a Git repository in your project directory: cd git init git add . git commit -m "Your commit message" Push to your Git repository: git remote add origin your_git_repository_url git push -u origin master On your server, clone the repository and pull the changes: git clone your_git_repository_url /var/www/flaskarchitect/ Shared Development Environment: Instead of copying files, you could develop directly on the server in a shared development environment. This can be achieved through tools like Docker or virtual environments. This way, you eliminate the need to copy files between your desktop and server. Set up Docker on your desktop and server. Create a Docker image with your development environment. Mount your project directory into the Docker container. Develop directly in the Docker container. These approaches can offer more streamlined and efficient workflows, but the best choice depends on your specific preferences and project requirements. If you're comfortable with your current workflow and it meets your needs, there may not be a pressing need to change it. Question: "origin your_git_repository_url" what is this ? on Github ?? Yes, in the context of Git, "origin" is a common name for the default remote repository. The term "origin" is typically used to refer to the central repository from which you cloned your project. If you are hosting your project on GitHub, "your_git_repository_url" should be replaced with the actual URL of your GitHub repository. You can find this URL on the GitHub website by navigating to your repository and clicking on the "Code" button, then copying the URL from the provided section. So, the command would look something like this: git remote add origin Replace "your-username" with your GitHub username and "your-repository" with the name of your repository. This setup allows you to push your changes to the remote repository on GitHub and later clone it on your server. This way, you can synchronize your code between different machines more efficiently. User so I can make my git repository from my terminal and not use my browser ? ChatGPT Absolutely, you can initialize a Git repository and perform the initial setup entirely from your terminal without using a browser. Here are the steps: Navigate to your project directory: cd /home/jack/Desktop/ Initialize a Git repository: git init Add your files to the repository: git add . Commit your changes: git commit -m "Initial commit" Create a repository on GitHub (optional): If you don't have a repository on GitHub yet, you can create one using the GitHub CLI or the GitHub website. If you're creating it through the website, follow these steps: Go to GitHub. Log in to your account. Click the "+" in the top right corner and select "New repository." Follow the instructions to create a new repository. Add your GitHub repository as the remote origin: git remote add origin Replace "your-username" with your GitHub username and "your-repository" with the name of your repository. Push your changes to GitHub: git push -u origin master