Select Text read_text.html


<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>List Audio Files</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/dark.css') }}" />
      .media-container {
        display: flex;
        flex-wrap: wrap; /* Allow wrapping to the next row */
        gap: 10px; /* Space between items */
        justify-content: space-between; /* Space items evenly */

      .mediaitem {
        flex: 1 1 20%; /* Flex-basis is 20%, and items can shrink or grow */
        box-sizing: border-box; /* Ensure padding/border is included in width */
        margin: 5px; /* Space around each item */
        text-align: center; /* Center text and audio controls */
        border: 1px solid #ccc; /* Optional: border for visibility */
        border-radius: 8px; /* Optional: rounded corners */
        padding: 10px; /* Padding for better spacing inside */
        box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); /* Optional: shadow effect */

      audio {
        width: 100%; /* Ensure audio controls fit within the container */

      button {
        width: 100%; /* Make buttons stretch to container width */
        padding: 10px; /* Add consistent padding */
        margin-bottom: 5px; /* Add space below the button */
      a {
       color: orange;
       background-color: black;
       text-decoration: none; 
       font-weight: bold;
       font-size: 2em;
       text-align: center;
       padding: 10px;
       margin-bottom: 5px;
       border-radius: 8px;
    <a href="{{ url_for('index') }}">Home</a><br /><br />
    <div class="media-container">
      {% for audio in audio_files %}
      <div class="mediaitem">
        <button onclick="document.getElementById('Play_{{ loop.index }}').play()">
          {{ audio }}
        <audio id="Play_{{ loop.index }}" controls>
            src="{{ url_for('static', filename='text2audio/' + audio) }}"
          Your browser does not support the audio element.
      {% endfor %}
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